AMEBEATO’s success and sustainability depend on the responsibility, transparency, ethics and commitment of the Governing Bodies and members to the association’s mission and values – these are the association’s objectives and the change for 2024.
Identify what the members and the community lack:
– Invite members to meet, socialize and discuss the association’s current challenges and opportunities in a sharing of knowledge;
– Holding events and activities to promote greater participation and involvement of members and new ones – evaluating the effectiveness of existing activities and programs. Setting goals and priorities on a monthly basis;
– Improving efficiency in financial management to ensure the association’s financial sustainability;
– The ongoing certification work of the AMEBEATO association will enable strategic partnerships and the discovery of new sources of funding;
– The study to update the Statutes will reflect the association’s current needs and realities;
– Assessing the feasibility of new initiatives or partnerships with other entities and participating in events relevant to the social economy.
Thank you!
The Association of Residents and Entrepreneurs of Beato (AMEBEATO) is a non-profit association whose primary objective is to represent, promote and defend the interests of its members, both individuals and companies. Its mission is the socio-economic, sporting, environmental and cultural development and progress of the residents and entrepreneurs of the parish of Beato.