Best wishes from the Beato Residents and Entrepreneurs Association

On my own behalf and on behalf of the Governing Bodies, at this special time of year, we would like to express our gratitude for the trust and partnership throughout 2024:

  • To our members, businesses, residents and friends
  • To all the members and representatives of the Beato Parish Council and the representatives of the Beato Parish Assembly
  • To all the other associations we have worked with, for their love and support of our young association.

We wish you all a Christmas filled with friendship, health and peace.

Best regards,

António Lobo Chairman of the Board


A Associação de Moradores e Empreendedores do Beato (AMEBEATO), é uma Associação sem fins lucrativos que tem por objetivo primário representar, promover e defender os interesses dos seus associados pessoas singulares e coletivas, tendo como missão o desenvolvimento e o progresso socioeconómico, desportivo, ambiental e cultural dos moradores e empreendedores da freguesia do Beato.


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