After the Second World War, Europe was rebuilt with a strong social protection policy. Each country adopted this policy differently, but in general it was fundamental to reconstruction. However, “dosing” this protection is crucial.

Now, almost 100 years later, we have two or three generations who were born in a period of peace and stability. The generations born in 1980 and the following years have never experienced major difficulties in their lives. As a result, many people from this young population in Europe have become complacent.

This scenario has created a structural problem in Europe.

The social security mechanism helps many people who might not need it so much. There should be an incentive for people to want to work and produce, whether as musicians, restaurant owners, etc. Currently, there is a population that prefers to be made redundant in order to receive unemployment benefits or other aid, such as the “help vouchers” that exist in other European countries, which can discourage people from going out to produce.

If, for example, a person at home “frying a rissol to sell and earn” generates a small income, but prefers to stay at home doing nothing, they are neither producing nor adding value.

In Europe, this situation is becoming increasingly burdensome because it is the taxpayers, basically the middle class, who support all this. The very rich, in running their companies, have various ways of reducing their tax payments. So it’s the middle classes who really support all this with their tax contributions.

Thus, several challenging questions arise:

  1. How do we find the balance between providing necessary social support and encouraging production and work?

  2. What public policies can be implemented to motivate young people to contribute more actively to the economy?

  3. How can we ensure that social aid does not become a disincentive to work and production?


The Association of Residents and Entrepreneurs of Beato (AMEBEATO) is a non-profit association whose primary objective is to represent, promote and defend the interests of its members, both individuals and companies. Its mission is the development and socio-economic, sporting, environmental and cultural progress of the residents and entrepreneurs of the parish of Beato.



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