TUMO Lisboa opens in Beato : Digital offer for young people aged 12 to 18

BEATO is the home of TUMO – a new vitality and offer in the Factory building, Beato, in the HUB.

The technological revolution has changed the way we live and work, and TUMO is an opportunity for all young people in BEATO and Lisbon.

TUMO is a Creative Technologies centre with an extracurricular educational programme for young people between the ages of 12 and 18. It works as a complement to traditional education, offering the chance to develop a portfolio of projects in the areas of:

  • Music
  • Robotics
  • Animation
  • Games development
  • Programming
  • Photography
  • Film
  • Graphic Design.



More news about this event and DIGITAL offers for young people coming soon.


The Association of Residents and Entrepreneurs of Beato (AMEBEATO) is a non-profit organisation whose primary objective is to represent, promote and defend the interests of its members, both individuals and companies. Its mission is the socio-economic, sporting, environmental and cultural development and progress of the residents and entrepreneurs of the parish of Beato.



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